The Physical Performance Show: 2020 TOP 10 Featured Performers
In episode 251 of The Physical Performance Show Brad Beer shares the highlights and best of sections of the 2020 TOP 10 Featured Performers.
It is that time of year where we look back at the calendar year, and we review some of the highlights of our featured performers. In prior years we’ve labelled this episode The Best of where we’ve sourced feedback around popular episodes that really struck a chord with the learnings that were shared. However, this year, we’ve just looked straight at the data, that is, the number of downloads per episode and today we review the top 10 most downloaded featured performer editions of 2020.
To listen to Episode 251:
Click the icon to listen to the interview on iTunes or listen using the Soundcloud player below
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE at the links to ensure you get performance insights from our future upcoming exciting guests.
Listen in as we delve into the following:
- Abdi Abdahraman – 5X US Olympian, Episode 221 of The Physical Performance Show
- Mike Wardian – US Ultra and Marathon Runner, Episode 210 of The Physical Performance Show
- Jake Riley – USA Olympic Marathon Rep, Episode 209 of The Physical Performance Show
- Vicky Holland – 2018 World Triathlon Series Champion & Olympic Bronze Medalist, Episode 212 of The Physical Performance Show
- Dave McNeill – Dual AUS Olympian, Episode 199 of The Physical Performance Show
- Iron Cowboy James Lawrence – Guinness World Record Holder: 50/50/50, Episode 201 of The Physical Performance Show
- Brett Robinson – AUS Olympian, 59:57 AUS Half Mara Record Holder, Episode 206 of The Physical Performance Show
- Cam Brown – 12x Iron man New Zealand Triathlon Champion, Episode 214 of The Physical Performance Show
- Zane Robertson – NZ Olympian, Episode 203 of The Physical Performance Show
- Jonny Brownlee – Double Olympic & Commonwealth Medalist, 2012 World Triathlon Series Champion, Episode 216/217 of The Physical Performance Show
Show Sponsor: Endure IQ
To follow Abdihakem “Abdi” Abdirahman
Instagram: @abdiruns
Twitter: @Abdi_runs
Facebook: @abdiruns

To follow Mike Wardian
Instagram: @mikewardian
Twitter: @mikewardian
Facebook: @michaelwardian
Article: Michael Wardian set out for a virtual ultra marathon. He kept running for 2½ days.
To follow Jake Riley
Instagram: @jakebillriley
Twitter: @JakeBillRiley
Strava: Jacob Riley
Jake Riley and His Coach Were ‘Broken.’ Now, They’re Going to the Olympics
To follow Vicky Holland
Instagram: @vixholland
Twitter: @vixholland
Facebook: @VickyHollandTri
Triathlon Live
To follow Dave McNeill
Instagram: @rundmc_neill
Twitter: @RunDMC_Neill
To follow James Lawrence
Instagram: @ironcowboyjames
Twitter: @IronCowboyJames
Facebook: @IronCowboy
Website: Ironcowboy
Strava: James Lawrence
To follow Brett Robinson
Instagram: @brett_robinson23
Twitter: @brettrobinson91
Strava: Brett Robinson
To follow Cam Brown
Instagram: @cambrown72
Twitter: @ChuckiBrown
Facebook: @CameronBrownTriathlete
Website: Cameron Brown
To follow Zane Robertson
Instagram: @zane_robertson_nzl
Twitter: @runninelvis
Facebook: @Runninelvis59
To follow Jonny Brownlee
Instagram: @jonnybrownleetri
Twitter: @jonny_brownlee
Facebook: @thebrownleebrothers
YouTube: Brownlee TV
Patreon Membership
0:00 Start
3:30 Abdi Abdahraman
7:00 Mike Wardian
13:10 Jake Riley
19:50 Vicky Holland
22:55 Dave McNeill
27:25 James Lawrence – Iron Cowboy
33:20 Brett Robinson
37:10 Cam Brown
42:00 Zane Robertson
52:20 Johnny Brownlee
1:03:17 Finish
For questions and comments about this Episode
Send to the show host @Brad_Beer (Twitter) or @brad_beer (Instagram)