The Physical Performance Show: Dr Peter Malliaras – Specialist Tendinopathy Physiotherapist

In episode 161 of The Physical Performance Show Brad Beer shares a conversation with Dr Peter Malliaras – Specialist Tendinopathy Physiotherapist in this Expert Edition.
Dr. Peter Malliaras is an Associate Professor at Monash University where Peter leads various research tendinopathy projects and supervises PhD students. Peter is also a practicing clinician at Complete Sports Care in Hawthorne, Melbourne where he consults with patients who have had enduring persistent tendinopathy injuries along with elite athletes. Globally, Peter is respected as a leading tendinopathy researcher having co-authored well over 55 peer review publications that mostly relate to tendinopathy.
During this episode, Peter outlines the framework that he uses when rehabilitating tendon injuries. Peter shares around what a good rehabilitation program entails. Peter outlines the mistakes that practitioners and patients alike can make when attempting to rehabilitate their tendon injuries. We explore tendinopathy rehabilitation principles such as how to know when too much is harmful or when not enough maybe deleterious. If you are experiencing pain and limitation from a tendinopathy or you know someone who is, then this is an Expert Edition you are not going to want to miss.
Jump back over to Episode 62 of The Physical Performance Show where we first featured Dr Peter Malliaras on the Show.

To listen to Episode 161:

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Listen in as we delve into the following:
- Current tendinopathy clinical trials and projects that Dr Malliaras is working on, including exploring high volume technique injections for achilles tendinopathy (to mechanically seperate the fat pad and tendon) with Dr Otto Chan
- The potential mechanisms to improve tendinopathy recovery
- The top three constituents of a good tendinopathy rehabilitation program: individualised, progressive load, and adherence to the program
- Tips on educating people on the concept of acceptable and non-acceptable pain
- Key updates in the world of tendinopathy rehabilitation since Dr Malliaras’ last The Physical Performance Show appearance (Expert Edition Episode 62)
- Key mistakes people and practitioners make in common tendinopathy rehabilitation
- Loading benchmarks for achilles, gluteal, patellar, and proximal hamstring tendinopathy rehabilitation
- Advice to clinicians and patients
- Performance Round – Tendinopathy Related Frequently Asked Questions: is this bump on my tendon bad? am I at risk of tendon rupture? why do I need to monitor symptoms 24hr after exercise? can’t I just have shockwave therapy to improve my tendon? won’t injections alone ‘fix’ my tendinopathy?
- Dr Malliaras’ best advice for tendinopathy rehabilitation: ‘Don’t panic, do the simple things well, & get progressive load into your tendon’
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“Don’t panic, do the simple things well and get some progressive load into your tendon.” – Best Advice
“Tendon is fundamentally weak when it is painful.”
“Time is the key factor for a lot of people.”
Most important Education Messages:
1. Really reinforce the strength of the tendon.
2. The pain in the Achilles tendon does not relate to the strength of the Achilles tendon
Key Mistakes people make when rehabilitating their tendinopathy:
1. Not progressive enough with loading
2. Getting too fancy with rehabilitation exercises (vs isolated muscle/tendon unit exercises)
3. Not including ‘energy storage’ (i.e. plyometric) exercises into the rehabilitation program
To follow Dr Peter Malliaras
Instagram: @tendinopathyrehab
Twitter: @DrPeteMalliaras
Website: Complete Sports Care
YouTube: Complete Sports Care
Facebook: @CompleteSportsCare
Twitter: @Complete_Sports
Website: Tendinopathy Rehab

0:00 Start
1:34 Introduction to Dr. Peter Malliaras
3:20 Ongoing clinical trials for tendinopathy
10:17 potential mechanisms to improve tendinopathy healing faster
12:35 Constituents of a good tendinopathy rehab program
17:10 Tips on educating people on the concept of acceptable and non-acceptable pain
22:20 Key updates in the world of tendinopathy rehabilitation
31:35 Key mistakes people make in rehabilitating tendinopathies
37:10 Loading benchmarks for achilles, gluteal, patellar, and proximal hamstring tendinopathy rehabilitation
45:00 Advice to clinicians and patients
51:30 Performance Round – Tendinopathy Related FAQ’s
58:20 Best Advice
58:13 Dr. Peter Malliaras activities and social media handles
1:04:10 Finish
People Mentioned:
Dr. Otto Chan – Radiologist in London
Shalane Flanagan – American Runner
Galen Rupp– American Runner
For questions and comments about this Episode
Send to the show host @Brad_Beer (Twitter) or @brad_beer (Instagram)