The Physical Performance Show: Dr David Cunnington (REWIRED) – Optimising Sleep for Health & Performance
In episode 351 of The Physical Performance Show Brad Beer shares a rewired conversation with Dr David Cunnington, ‘Optimising Sleep for Health & Performance’ in this Expert Edition.
In this episode Dr David Cannington, Sleep Specialist, Medical Doctor and co-Director of the Melbourne Sleep Disorders Centre debunks the concept of ‘rise and grind’ and explains why replacing it with ‘sleep in and win’ is a better approach.
Dr Cannington disregards the idea that there’s such a thing as sleep hygiene, talks through restless leg syndrome, discusses the causes of insomnia and provides evidence-based information around how we can optimise our sleep.
To listen to Episode 351:
Click the icon to listen to the interview on iTunes or listen using the Soundcloud player below
Listen in as we delve into the following:
- Dr David Cunnington’s typical week and bio
- Approach to solving sleep problems
- What happens in sleep cycle
- Sleep Deprivation – categories and effects
- Habits to make sleep easier
- Role of Temperature and Lighting in your space
- Causes of Insomnia
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Suggestions for getting up in the morning
- Tips on sleep when travelling
- Caffeine and Alcohol Effects
- Screen Use – how can it affect sleep
- Effectiveness of Melatonin and measurables
- Role of sleep in bone density
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As we very well know, everyone is different, but we all get the same 24 hours to make the most of each day. We know it can be so tough to squeeze in that training session or get the optimal amount of sleep into our busy schedule. But it does not have to be this way!
To follow Dr Cannington
LinkedIn: @David Cunnington
Twitter: @David Cunnington
Facebook: @drdavidcunnington
Website: Dr. David Cunnington
Website: SleepHub
Podcast: SleepTalk